This last week, there was a bit of a drop in terms of numbers. I believe this is because we are experimenting more with video content, and haven’t found the right method yet. We have not been getting the same amount of likes and engagement as before. It’s as if Instagram is not even showing our reels and videos to our followers. (That seriously might be the case). However, that is ok, that is why it is called a trial period, where we are seeing if something is working or not.
In terms of numbers, we had a +11.5% increase in accounts reached at 212 and a +35.1% increase in total followers at 219. Unfortunately, our content interactions has fallen by a LOT! (-78.1% at 62) This is something we need to figure out why it is happening. Is it because of the content of the video? Is it the video graphics? Is it the length of the video? All these things can be taken into consideration. In this next week, we will closely monitor how we do with the video content, and will continue to refine its weaknesses. We’ve always created a planner, so all of us are understanding when it comes to what content is being released each day.