We live in a multi-touch and multi-influence world. Understanding how your leads convert through the entire customer journey is a crucial part of a successful marketing campaign. Many customers don’t directly convert right away after seeing an ad. They often go through a path of actions that ultimately leads to a conversion, such as mobile activity or revisits.
Google has a solution for tracking offline conversions, Enhanced Conversions for Leads, which offers an alternative to Google Click ID-based offline conversion.

How Enhanced Conversions for Leads work?
Let’s start with an example. Ricky sees your ad for a pair of boots he was searching for, and he clicks on it. He arrives at the landing page, signs up for an account with his email, and adds the boots to his cart but doesn’t purchase. Your site will send Google this lead information (the email) to your CRM database. A week later, Ricky decides to buy the boots. Google then matches this conversion to the information it originally stored for the ad that drove the lead.
Pro-tip: One or more of the following pieces of data must be available in the initial lead form: email address (preferred), name and home address, and phone number (must be given in addition to the previous).
Your hashed data will be used in two separate ways:
- Enhanced conversions for the web: Track sales that happen on a website to enhance online conversions. This will send hashed first-party, user-provided data from your website, which is matched to Google accounts, which they were signed into when engaging with one of your ads.
- Enhanced conversions for leads: Track sales that happen off of the website, such as phone or email, from website leads. This improves offline transaction conversion measurement. When the leads are uploaded, the provided hashed information is matched back to the Google Ad campaign.
Why is this important?
Using this data, Google is able to make better auction decisions, leading to more efficient campaigns and better conversions. The existing offline conversion tracking method is not widely adopted due to the difficulty of implementation, as it relies on CRM systems that most marketers do not have control over.
The new Enhanced Conversions with Leads uses information about your leads that has already been captured, so you don’t need to modify your CRM systems, which makes this much simpler to implement. Everything is configured from your Google Ads account rather than your CRM. It helps to recover conversions that otherwise would not have been measured and improves bidding optimization.
Privacy First
Google sends the lead information through a one-way hashed data send, which means that the information is privacy-safe, secure, and anonymous.
How do I start?
Enhanced Conversions for Leads can be configured in three ways:
- Google Tag Manager: If you have Google Ads conversion tracking set up and auto-tagging enabled, you can set up Enhanced Conversions for Leads
- Global site tag: You can set up Enhanced Conversions for Leads manually with your global site tag by making slight changes to the configuration
- Google Ads API: You can set up enhanced conversions using Google Ads API for more flexibility and control over your data.
Need more guidance? Schedule a discovery call with us today.