Google Ads


When it comes to digital advertising, Google Ads dominates, and with more than 70% of the search engine market share, it is no surprise they do.

Using Google Ads is a pretty simple task, but being successful on Google Ads involves a deep knowledge of its many intricacies and an ability to strategically navigate through them. That’s where we come in.

The ultimate objective of using Google Ads is to get the best possible return on investment; to get as many people to your website for as little money as possible. Knowing how to target your ads to get the biggest bang for your buck is what we do best.

Overall, Google Ads has four platforms where ads can be placed. The first platform is Search Ads.

8 out of 10 searches are done on Google



Be Visible. Get New Customers.

If your business is not showing up on Google when people are searching for solutions to their problem then your are missing new customers, revenue and market share to your competition.

When users do a Google search they are actively looking for an answer to something and they know Google will have it.

Search Ads work in a way that when you have users who search for topic ABC, your ad (and related product or service) of XYZ comes up as one of their primary results with the intention that you are the answer to their question.

The advantage of Search Ads is that users have already signaled the problem they have and are looking for a solution.

With our expertise, we ensure that your ads are directed at your relevant potential customers.

YouTube: World's second largest search engine



Be Visible. Get New Customers.

YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and third most visited site after Google and Facebook. And if you are not Advertising on YouTube then your are missing new customers, revenue and market share to your competition.

The second platform on Google Ads is Youtube Ads. Just like Google’s search engine market domination, Youtube also dominates as the second largest search engine and third most visited website in the world (after Google and Facebook). Youtube Ads are similar to Google Search Ads in that Youtube users are also actively searching for something. The differences lie in the way users search and the ad’s form. 

Where Google Search Ads are text-based, Youtube Ads are primarily video-based and video ads have power. In fact, marketers who use video advertising grow revenue 49% faster than their non-video counterparts.

The second type of Youtube Ad is a small text banner overlayed onto any certain video. Being able to account for and act upon the nuances of search phrasing, habits and preference enable us to deliver the Youtube Ad results you need.

Reach over 90% of people on the Internet



Be Visible. Get New Customers.

When you advertise on the Google Display Network – which has over 2 million sites and reaches over 90% of people on the Internet—your ads can appear across a large collection of websites, mobile apps, and video content.

The third platform on Google Ads is Display Ads.

We’ve mentioned multiple times just how expansive the presence of Google Ads is and a benefit of that presence is a pooling of all the websites that use Google Ad Services. This pooling creates a massive library of options for you to place your ads.

Similar to the way we get Google Search Ads to populate your ad when someone enters in a relevant search, we can also populate your ad to relevant websites that users are surfing on.

This enables you to create a top-of-mind effect where your product or service is continually showing up as that user searches for an answer to their question with the intent of directing them to you as the answer.