Profitable Google Ads Masterclass
Dates: 30 AUG – 03 SEPT 2021
Format: Virtual
This program includes 1-hour live online classes, group discussion, self-paced exercises, and virtual networking.
Detailed schedule below.
What You Will Learn
Learn to think like a Google Ads marketer. Gain the concepts, skills, and confidence to start your first campaign. The first of many.
Google Ads & Analytics Intro, Setup & Integration
Keywords, Bidding Strategies & Extensions
Launching and Monitoring Stats
Create & Launch your own Google Ads Campaign by the end of this challenge
+ Join a community of like-minded individuals
+ Get your Google Ads questions answered
+ Must have a website / landing page
+ Must have a Google Ads Account
What You’ll Be Learning
Day 1
- Introduction to Google Search Ads. How it works?
- Google Analytics Introduction
- Creating Goals in Google Analytics
Day 2
- Ads Dashboard Overview
- Keyword Research
- Ad groups
Day 3
- Bidding
- How to write Killer Ads
- Extensions
Day 4
- Landing Page / Target Page
- Google Ads Campaign Launch
Day 5
- Reviewing the numbers
- Negative Keywords
- Recap & Conclusion
One Hour a Day for Five Days
Date: 30 Aug to 03 Sept 2021
Time: 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM EST
Who Should Attend?
This course is for anyone looking to know more about Google Ads and is looking to run their own campaign either for their business or for the company. We’re here to help you understand the basics and save you time and money from having to do trial and error.
About The Host
Sajid Islam is a multi-channel digital marketing experience, with a track record for exceptional results. He shares nuggets of wisdom on the latest trends in Digital Marketing.
Still got questions in mind?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this class about?
This is a 5-day class that will teach you the basics from understanding Google Analytics to executing your first campaign. This program includes 1-hour live online classes, group discussion, self-paced exercises, and virtual networking.
What are the benefits of joining this class?
Learn what you need to learn without having to surf the web for hours. Get the facts straight from the expert. This five-day class will teach you enough to launch your first Google Ad campaign.
How does the class work?
After you enroll here, you’ll receive a confirmation email. This will be a live online class hosted in the marketANDgrow facebook group. Joining the class entitles you to be part of the Profitable Google Ads community where you can ask all your questions.
How do I join?
Book a call here and we’ll take it from there.
Who is this class for?
Whether you’re a seasoned business owner looking to pivot from traditional advertising to online marketing, or a frustrated marketing officer who have tried again and again but is still not seeing results — then this class is for you. It’s for anyone who wants to learn the basics of Google Ads to learn how to execute their own campaign and monitor results.
I'm from a different timezone. Can I still join?
Yes. The recordings will be available for 24hrs before they are taken down.