Full Transcription

[Introduction] – 00:00

Hey, welcome to episode 102 of the TWIMshow. This is your host Sajid Islam, and today I’ll be going over the notable news and updates from the week of March 28, 2022.

[Update 1 – LinkedIn Introduces New Features For Creators to Analyze Posts for Better Reach] – 00:10

Today, first off, we’re going to start off with LinkedIn. Linkedin has announced or actually introduced quite a few features to help us, creators, better analyze our post so that we can create better content. So first thing over there, what they have is they are rolling out an improved post analytics. It took me a while to look that up. So basically, the post analytics is basically adding a new level of details what their LinkedIn is saying. Members will see analytics detailed in a summary page along with more in-depth data like impressions and reshares. This data is available for all post types, whether it’s an article, video or simple text post. Okay. And then LinkedIn also is offering a new data on profile video views as well as well as updated profile video capabilities to help users grow their audience. By users we mean members. By members we mean creators depending on how you look at it, but they’re all interchangeably the same. Along with this improved view numbers, LinkedIn will also provide new prompts to help users decide what to publish in their profile video. Now keep in mind, Facebook used to have a profile video option which was going nowhere and Facebook killed it. So we’ll see how this kind of plays out with LinkedIn. And also thanks to a new profile video ring that will appear in feed and search, people will be aware that you have a profile video active on your page where they can learn more about you and you experience. Now I kind of like that. And as you listen to a show today, you will realize that YouTube is doing something similar as well. So stay tuned, it’s going to be covered in this episode as well. Okay. Lastly, LinkedIn is also introducing a subscribe bill which will let our creators allow creators audience receive notifications whenever they publish new content, as well as the ability for creators to promote the newsletter via, promote their newsletter in the feature section of the profile. Of course, that can be also turned off later on. Okay, those were all the updates from LinkedIn. Now let’s move on to the next update. It is from Meta.

[Update 2 – Meta Announces Virtual Messaging Event – ‘Conversations’] – 02:28

So Meta has announced a virtual messaging event called Conversations. Yes, Conversations, and it’s going to be held on May 19, 2022. We will obviously going to bring you updates from that event as and when it happens. So stay always paced to listen to the TWIMshow. Now, this is quite a few angle for Meta, which I think Meta is trying to become a conversation platform because if you see, there are three other updates that we did not cover in this episode of TWIMshow But I will quickly mention is that Meta made some changes in Instagram messaging as well as Facebook messaging options, like how you can tag people, how you could use shortcuts, and how you can put things in silent mode, things like that. Those updates, those three updates, in addition to this event itself, tells me that Meta is realizing, you know what we need to focus on communication. Yeah, we have done a lot. We have connected two plus billion users around the world or two plus billion people around the world. And our growth is stagnating. Where should we focus on? Virtual reality is not something that’s going to happen today or next month or next year. It’s going to take some time to share. Where do we focus? Let’s focus on conversations where people need to communicate. So this kind of tells me that’s going to be their thing and they’re going to push more and more into that. And that’s just my opinion. With that, let’s move into the next update, which is next update is from Snapchat.

[Update 3 – Snapchat Announces 2022 Partner Summit – ‘Back To Reality’] – 04:08

Snapchat has announced their fourth partner summit, and this is the year they’re calling it back to reality. What will happen? We’ll see usually Snapchat in these kind of events or any platform, these kind of events. They announce new features, they show off new things. They’re working on things like that. Again, this event is going to take place on April 28. We are going to put a link to the sign up page in our show notes. So if you’re interested, you can always click on that and sign up for the things. But if you’re not interested, what we do, as always, is we are going to go ahead and bring you the must know highlights from those shows, from this event onto this podcast. And so that you can kind of stay tuned, you can kind of stay up to date with that. Now, this one is something from YouTube.

[Update 4 – New Profile Rings for Stories and Live on YouTube Plus Other Updates] – 05:00

Okay. Youtube is rolling out two new types of profile rings, one with live marker and one without to represent the different forms of content. This is part of YouTube’s larger effort to include more conventional social app functionality into the YouTube app. Now, this is something that I was alluding to when I was talking about LinkedIn. Like YouTube also has now this rings around your profile, and then if someone sees a ring, they know you are live. The word live shows up. If it’s live and if it’s not there, obviously you’re not live, but you have some stories or something like that. Okay. Furthermore, YouTube has expanded its community tab available to additional channels, as well as adding shorts, reactions, and other well-known social networking platform alternatives to his offers. Last but not least, YouTube is lowering the bar for using its mention tools. Mentions allow you to include another channel’s username in the title or description of your video, and the other channel will be notified of the mentioned in their inbox. Previously, this option was only available to channels with 500 subscribers, but YouTube has now made the mentions function open to all channels. This might be a terrific method to start collaborations on the app, as well as getting your films or videos in front of people, in front of related people who might subsequently magnify your work. But look at the opportunity here, guys. Now there’s going to be a new segment created where they’re going to be like, hey, you know what? I have a follower. Let’s do partnership. I have a follower. You pay me and I will tag you things like that. Those whole influencer marketing it’s going to pave the way for influencer marketing on YouTube. That’s it, right? It’s going to be like that. And that’s very good. I like it because, for example, our channel is very small on YouTube. I wouldn’t mind getting our channel, this podcast, in front of the right audience and actually paying for something like that because I know we have something that will help other people stay. And of course, we don’t make money from this, but I’m just saying so this is great. I am excited about this update. Okay, next up is on YouTube.

[Update 5 – YouTube Drops Maximize Lift Bidding] – 07:21

Youtube Ads Drops Maximize Lift Bidding. Again, this is something an overcomplicated ad method, ad bidding type that was barely used. They launched it in 2018. Really? It was so complicated. I think no one really used it just because it’s just like so many steps. And also to do this, you have to work with a YouTube representative. So YouTube just came out and says, you know what? Effective immediately, which is effective April 1, we’re going to kill it. They didn’t even give a timeline. They just said, we’re going to kill it. That kind of tells me that it never went anywhere. This bidding strategy that they launched in 2018, however, keep in mind, when they launched it back in 2018, they said they used Covergirl’s Lashblast Mascara as an example. They said, hey, Covergirl’s Lashblast Mascara used this YouTube maximize lift bidding option, and they were able to get 2X return on their ad investment. All these platforms always hype up these numbers, right? And why I’m bringing it up to kind of tell you and show you, demonstrate to you that you don’t believe everything that comes out in a news release from these big platforms. Because sometimes they do embellish a little bit, if that’s the right word. Right. But it’s gone. That’s all you need to know. If you didn’t know what it was, guess what? You didn’t miss anything. Okay with that. The next thing I want to talk about YouTube is

[Update 6 – YouTube Videos Can Now Be Shared via Snapchat Camera] – 08:49

YouTube videos can now be shared via Snapchat camera. So basically, back in 2020, Snapchat allowed an option to embed your Tweets directly into Snapshot snaps. Now in 2022, they’re allowing you to embed your video directly into Snapchat Snaps. Why is this a good thing? Look at this way, Snapchat, you can only have a video length. I think there is up to a minute. So if you have a longer video, you can always link it back to your YouTube. So if someone catches the Snap and they can click on it and they go directly into YouTube, obviously it’s a win win for both. It’s a bigger win for YouTube because now you end up watching the video on YouTube. But hey, Snap is happy with this partnership. I just wanted you to know that this option exists and if you think about it like I was talking to a potential intern for Summer this past this week actually, and she was saying how she’s good at Snapchat and we may test it out right? Again, we are not trying to build anything. I like to test experiment things and so we’ll probably experiment this feature and other things and Snapchat to see what kind of capabilities and things we can create and build on Snapchat. Anyway, with that, let’s move on to a bigger platform called or a separate, different platform called Twitter.

[Update 7 – Professional Accounts Are Now Available To All Twitter Users Worldwide] – 10:16

Twitter has announced professional accounts are now available to all Twitter users worldwide. So what that basically means is previously you had to have a get permission from Twitter. You can apply and you can just get it right away. It’s very easy to convert your regular profile to a professional account given that you don’t have some of the you follow the rules that Twitter has set out, which is you must not have a history of repeatedly violating Twitter user agreement. You must have a complete profile with an account name, bio and profile picture. Your authentic identity must be clear on your profile. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All those details and how to do it are going to be in the show notes. But for now, just remember, it pays to become a professional account on Twitter. No, it’s not going to give you the blue check Mark. That’s a different thing. At least that’s how I know it. But I would definitely, if you’re a business, definitely get a professional account if you can, while you can. Next up on the Google SEO front,


[Update 8 – Descriptive Structured Data Error Reporting In Google Search Console] – 11:19

Google has announced or Google has announced that they are going to give you a descriptive error reporting in Google search console around for structured data. What this basically means, again, if you are into SEO, you use the schema and structured data to provide information and sometimes you get an error message and you do
not know what the error message entails or what it is pointing to, which element because there are so many different elements that is there. So now Google is saying hey, in addition to just giving you that hey, there’s something wrong. We will try to pinpoint we will help you pinpoint which particular element we’re referring to because again, Google knows that something is wrong because that’s what they throw an error message. So if they’re throwing an error message, they might as well help you say hey, such and such element is incorrect. We do understand it, go fix it. And I kind of like it because a few weeks ago as we were posting a job, I posted a job onto our website. And of course I use structured data onto the job posting behind the scenes so that the job gets picked up by Google bought and shows up in jobs. Google.com or Google jobs. Right. And I did that. But while I was doing it, I was getting error messages and it was like something it wasn’t really telling me exactly what it is. It was just like error in element, block name or something like that. But with this update that I see right now, it’s going to help me identify. Oh, exactly. I know which element you’re referring to. At least it will help me and it will cut down the debug time. Now if you’re someone who doesn’t know what structured data is or if you’re not using structured data, then obviously this doesn’t apply to you. But however, if you are playing this SEO game, you need to know structured data. You cannot really play the SEO game without the structured data. Now that’s a good point for you as well. If you’re hiring an SEO person and you can ask them around questions around SEO structured data and if they do not know, they’re not the SEO guys or gals you want in your team. Okay, with that, let’s move on to Google Merchant Center.

[Update 9 – New Insights Reports in Google Merchant Center] – 13:16

Google has added new insights and new reports. In Google Merchant Center, this will begin to display a total traffic Impressions conversion rate for free product listings. This will also help make it easy for you to gain a complete picture of your Google product display performance, while the new price to insights will assist merchants determine which of their products are completely overpriced as well as the revenue impact of the price change. So all in all, again, Google has the data. Google is trying to help you better position and give you ideas. Hey, your product is getting these things. The similar product is cheaper elsewhere, you’re probably overpriced and you’re cutting this thing. Google has the data so it’s just feeding you some information back so that you can decide to give you market data. Competitive intelligence is what I would think. Okay, it’s a good update. Some of my clients have Google Merchant centers because they sell products their ecommerce. So this is a good thing for them. Of course they also run ads. But anyway, the last update on this week’s

[Update 10 – Google’s Trusted Store Badge Is Now Available For Free Shopping Listings] – 14:24

episode is that Google Trusted Store badge is now available for free shopping listings. So remember a few weeks ago we covered how Google is going to give you a score in terms of how fast your shipping is and your shipping cost and the return cost and the return window, things like that. In the first episode we covered this and the next episode we said Google has going to tag you and he’s going to measure you on those things, but if you try to get the system Google, it’s going to figure out and if they figure out, they’re going to basically ban you from the system. Now Google is saying, you know what, based on those things, we are going to give you a trusted score and that trusted score is going to help you sell more. In fact, Google in their announcement that says it helps obscure businesses. Also it has helped obscure or unknown businesses or less unknown merchants do more shopping because now people feel warm and fuzzy from buying from someone who they have never heard of before, which I agree. Now, I also have received email from Google because I’m obviously in my customers merchant center account, I’m part of their merchant. I have access to it. So Google has emailed sent out an email and I received a copy of that email where it says, hey, your shipping speed is excellent, your shipping cost is excellent, your return cost is comparable, right. And that kind of tells me that we are within the industry norms because Google basically marks us as excellent. Comparable opportunity or opportunity by opportunity means that, hey, you need to pull up your socks and do better. That’s what it is. So that made me feel good. That’s how we got a score back from Google and then now it’s going to show up to our free listings and obviously my customers are going to get more sales. So that’s a win win. If you’re not using Google merchants and this is a high time you use it doesn’t matter whether you’re Shopify, it doesn’t matter. You are on Amazon. You need to use this because it’s just basically free traffic, free eyeballs, free PR. And if you love money, you’re going to love this. If you hate money, then don’t do it. Leave money on the table. Let your competitors get the money from you.

[Closing] – 16:40

OK? Alrighty folks. That’s it for This Week In Marketing. Now you know everything to be in the know. If you’d like to read more, make sure you visit our show page where you’ll find the links to the articles. Once again, this is your host Sajid Islam signing off until next week. Take care. Bye bye.

Thank you for tuning in this week. It was a pleasure to serve you all. Hit the subscribe button so that you remember to sign on next week. Same place, same time for another round of This Week In Marketing.

1. LinkedIn Introduces New Features For Creators to Analyze Posts for Better Reach (00:10) – Improved content analytics, new profile video features, newsletter showcasing choices, a subscriber bell for update notifications, and other new tools for creators have been introduced by LinkedIn.

To begin with, LinkedIn is introducing more data to its existing Creator Mode tools to help artists plan and optimize their on-platform content strategy. The new Creator Mode data will provide a more detailed picture of content performance, allowing you to see what’s working and what’s not with your LinkedIn audience.

Improved post analytics are also being rolled out by LinkedIn. Here is what was shared from LinkedIn “.. members have always been able to see analytics on posts, but now LinkedIn’s adding a new level of detail. Members will see analytics detailed in a summary page, along with more in-depth data like impressions and reshares. This data is available for all post types, whether it’s an article, video, or simple text post.”

LinkedIn is also offering new data on profile video views as well as updated profile video capabilities to help users grow their audience. Along with these improved view numbers, LinkedIn will also provide new prompts to help users decide what to publish in their Profile Videos.

Thanks to a new ‘Profile Video ring’ that will appear in the feed and search, people will be aware that you have a profile video active on your page, where they can learn more about you and your experience.

LinkedIn is also introducing a ‘Subscribe Bell,’ which will let a creator’s audience receive notifications whenever they publish new content and the ability for creators to promote their Newsletter in the ‘Featured’ section of the profile.


2. Meta Announces Virtual Messaging Event – ‘Conversations’ (02:28) – Meta has launched a new ‘Conversations’ messaging conference (May 19, 22), during which it will show off its newest innovations and upcoming enhancements for its messaging systems, which have a combined user base of over 2 billion. Every week, more than a billion people use Meta’s messaging services to communicate with businesses, according to the company.

The Conversations conference will offer new product updates and technical deep dives for developers, as well as demonstrations, discussions, and other activities.

You can register for the ‘Conversations’ conference here.


3. Snapchat Announces 2022 Partner Summit – ‘Back To Reality’ (04:08) – We’ll soon find out Snapchat’s next move. Snap has announced the date of its fourth annual Partner Summit, which will take place on April 28th. Snap will utilize the event, dubbed ‘Back to Reality,’ to show off its most recent initiatives and features, such as its expanding work on augmented reality, digital products, Snap Minis, content enhancements, and more.

You can register for the event (and receive updates) here, and all of the sessions will be streamed live on Snap’s YouTube page.


4. New Profile Rings for Stories and Live on YouTube Plus Other Updates (05:00) – YouTube is rolling out two new types of profile rings: one with a ‘Live’ marker and one without, to represent the different forms of content. This is part of YouTube’s larger effort to include more conventional social app functionality into the app.

In my opinion, it’s another approach to raise awareness of YouTube Live and Stories, which, although being a minor feature in the app, have served to strengthen the bond between creators and their followers by providing a new content choice.

Furthermore, YouTube has expanded its Community Tab available to additional channels and added Shorts, Reactions, and other well-known social networking platform alternatives to its offers.

Last but not least, YouTube is lowering the bar for using its Mentions tool. Mentions allow you to include another channel’s username in the title or description of your video, and the other channel will be notified of the mention in their inbox.

Previously, this option was only available to channels with 500 subscribers, but YouTube has now made the mentions function open to all channels. This might be a terrific method to start collaborations on the app and get your films in front of related people, who might subsequently magnify your work.

If a channel prefers, it can turn off mentions.

Source: https://youtu.be/NFiMcE2MTQA


5. YouTube Drops Maximize Lift Bidding (07:21) – As YouTube continues to improve its ad capabilities, Google has discontinued support effective 4/1/22 for Maximize Lift bidding, leaving a TrueView, in-stream advertisements alternative in place.

Maximize Lift was a highly particular bidding strategy that worked in tandem with Brand Lift measurement to reach more of the right audience currently in the consideration stage. If you’re unfamiliar with Brand Lift, it’s a tool that helps assess memory, awareness, and consideration, and you’ll need to have a Google Account Rep activate on your behalf.

Maximize Lift created content for Brand Lift surveys based on information provided by advertisers about their brands and goods. Maximize Lift then used the survey data to zero in on the customers who could be the ideal fit for your products. Unlike other bidding types, Maximize Lift would prioritize lift overviews.

The promise of driving meaningful B2C results drew Maximize Lift to the market in 2018. According to Google, COVERGIRL’s Lashblast Mascara product had a 2x return on ad investment when it was released.

Source: https://searchengineland.com/youtube-to-drop-maximize-lift-bidding-383272


6. YouTube Videos Can Now Be Shared via Snapchat Camera (08:49) – Snapchat is finally adding another new sharing option, with users now able to share YouTube videos with friends directly from the Snapchat Camera, after allowing users to embed tweets directly into their Snapchat snaps in late 2020.

When sharing from YouTube, Snapchat users will just press the Snapchat icon to add the YouTube link as a sticker to their Story. This opens up a new set of creative ways for sharing YouTube links, benefiting both YouTube (through increased referral traffic) and Snap (by expanding your Snap expression and engagement options).

The sticker display provides a more integrated, direct sharing procedure, which is a fantastic method to encourage more active sharing.

To share a YouTube clip on Snap:

  • Open the YouTube app and select a video to watch
  • Tap “Share,” and then tap the “Snapchat” icon to automatically jump to the Snapchat Camera
  • From there, create an original Snap with the automated YouTube sticker, and layer on using any of our creative tools
  • All friends need to do is tap the YouTube Sticker to view the video in their YouTube app or default mobile browser

Source: https://www.adweek.com/media/integration-allows-youtube-videos-to-be-shared-via-snapchat-camera/


7. Professional Accounts Are Now Available To All Twitter Users Worldwide (10:16) – All Twitters users are now able to convert their account to a Professional Profile which then gives you access to a range of additional features, like a new business information display, product listings, a newsletter module (for those that have a Revue newsletter) and more.

Professional Profiles were first tested by Twitter in April of last year, with only a few brands participating in the initial beta experiment. Twitter began inviting more businesses to join until finally opening it up to all applicants in September. You no longer require Twitter’s blessings to convert your profile; instead, you can choose whether or not to have a Professional Profile in your profile choices.

The following rules must be followed to qualify for a Professional Account:

  • You must not have a history of repeatedly violating the Twitter User Agreement
  • You must have a complete profile with an account name, a bio, and a profile picture
  • Your authentic identity must be clear on your profile. Your profile must not feature another person’s identity, brand, or organization, nor does it use a fake identity intended to deceive others. Profiles that feature animals or fictional characters are ineligible unless directly affiliated with your brand or organization. Parody and fan accounts are not eligible for Professional Accounts.

To convert your Twitter profile to a Professional Account:

  • Go to either your profile settings or swipe open the sidebar when on your Home timeline in the app. Scroll until you see the “Twitter for Professionals” tab in the sidebar and select it. If you’re in your profile settings, scroll until you see “Switch to Professional” and select it
  • Once you’ve entered the conversion flow, select “Get Started”
  • Select a category for your Professional Account and select “Next” 
  • Choose either “Business” or “Creator” and select “Next.” 
  • Congratulations! You are now a Professional on Twitter!

You can read more about Twitter’s Professional Accounts conversion process here.


8. Descriptive Structured Data Error Reporting In Google Search Console (11:19) – The structured data report in Search Console has been updated by Google to provide additional context regarding problems, helping you fix invalid markup with less guesswork.

Let’s imagine you’re using review snippet markup but missing the author’s name.  This would result in an error. Previously,  the structured data report provided a message that said, “Missing field “name.”

Now, if the page has multiple name fields in the markup, then the previous method of reporting problems wasn’t as useful as it could have been.

Thanks to the latest update, the identical error will now appear as: Missing field “name” (in “author”).

The additional information in parentheses allows you to quickly identify what’s missed from the markup.


9. New Insights Reports in Google Merchant Center (13:16) – To ensure you’re pricing your products competitively, Google has added several new analytics for retailers, including free listings conversion and product price insights.

To begin, a new display of total traffic, impressions, and conversion rate for free product listings are now available in your Google Merchant Center tools.

This will make it easy to gain a complete picture of your Google product display performance, while the new price insights tool will assist merchants in determining whether their products are competitively priced, as well as the revenue impact of price changes.

The new display will show businesses how their pricing compares to other retailers selling the same goods.

You can read more about Google’s product display updates here.


10. Google’s Trusted Store Badge Is Now Available For Free Shopping Listings (14:24) – Google is launching a new Shopping Experience Scorecard program, which will provide shoppers with yet another method to learn more about each seller’s performance based on previous activity.

Top-rated sellers will now receive a new ‘Trusted Store’ label, which will help potential customers feel more confident in your service.

So, how does Google evaluate these factors? According to Google, the badges will be assigned depending on Google’s tracking of each seller’s performance.
The program will monitor the experience you provide to customers in several areas, including shipping speed, shipping cost, return cost, and return window. You’ll be given a rating of “Excellent,” “Comparable,” or “Opportunity” on each metric.”

Google will continue to track performance in order to give shoppers more information as they browse Google Shopping listings.

Google claims that merchants who displayed the Trusted Store label received higher hits in early testing, and they also helped generate more traffic to lesser-known merchants.
