Facebook published a new set of reports on the 5 Global Shifts Shaping the Future NowTo support marketers in bridging the uncertainties of today with the possibilities of tomorrow, Facebook analyzed  their data, commissioned surveys and third-party research. They  looked at the acceleration of existing trends alongside the emergence of new ones. And the’ve identified five global macro-shifts shaping the future, now. Find out what they mean for your marketing. 

  • Safer shopping
  • Mindful wellness
  • Glocal community
  • Gen Z’s regeneration
  • Connected convenience

Facebook’s Updating its Ad Preferences Hub to make it easier to control your Personal Ad and Data SettingsFacebook is rolling out a new update of its Ad Preferences tool which will simplify the listings into three defined categories, and provide more insight into how any changes you make to such will impact your on-platform experience.
Facebook provides new tips to help Improve Stories and Video AdsFacebook has published a new set of tips on how marketers can improve their Stories and video ad content in order to better align with their key objectives.
Facebook provides tips on How to Optimize Your Facebook Live BroadcastsFacebook provides guidance on how users can get the most out of the live broadcasts.

Start planning by thinking about:
1. Your message and goals
2. Potential guests
3. Your background
4. Sound Quality
5. Your internet connection

And to maximize engagement for your stream, and drive optimal viewership, do:

  • Preview Posts – A good way to raise awareness of your coming Facebook Live stream is to schedule an announcement post in Live Producer, which will then create a Facebook preview post that interested viewers can choose to get a reminder from.
  • Crossposting – Look to crosspost to another Facebook Page whenever you y can – be that of a guest on your live-stream or another, related Page that you control. “[Crossposting] allows you to post simultaneously to multiple Pages at once, and it looks like a native video to that Page, but the viewership is all aggregated, the statistics are all aggregated on that one video asset”.
  • Maximize Engagement – “Facebook prioritizes content that’s driving conversations and meaningful interactions between people”. Encouraging engagement during Live will not only lead to more shares from viewers, but it will also send positive signals to the algorithm. But make sure to moderate comments to ensure the conversation “remains healthy”, and kicking off the conversation by posting the first comment on your stream. And remember to answering questions from your audience to ensure they feel heard and using polls in-stream.
  • Lastly, do not forget to use music and using music that you don’t have right to.

Watch the full video here:https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=368990804089014&extid=OVftrH8ApXaN6kQt

Instagram officially added a new listing of suggested posts at the end of your main feedInstagram found a new place to display ads which is at the end of your feed. When you’ve scrolled through all the new content in your feed, you will see suggested new, organic posts for you to view as well as ads.

TikTok announces deal with UnitedMasters Already Known For Propelling Unknown Artists to Success, TikTok’s New Partnership With United Masters Provides a Turn-Key Platform For Aspiring Stars to Fast-Track Their Careers
Oracle, TikTok & LawsuitEnterprise software giant Oracle has now also joined the race of acquiring TikTok in the US. President Trump tweets about his support for Oracle acquiring TikTok. And TikTok files Lawsuit against the upcoming ban.
TikTok Sheds Much Needed Light on Its Analytics ToolsTikTok has released a Product Tutorial about their Analytics and it is worth the read!For more info, check out the tutorial here: https://newsroom.tiktok.com/en-us/product-tutorial-tiktok-analytics
Alexa can now control TikTok via Alexa Voice ActivationTikTok has collaborated with Amazon to enable TikTok controls through Alexa. You can ask Alexa to launch some of your favorite features from searching for videos to exploring sounds and recording video.Learn more about this update here:https://newsroom.tiktok.com/en-us/an-alexa-skill-for-tiktok

Snapchat Looks to Expand Off-Platform Sharing Options to Expand Audience ReachSnapchat is testing a feature that would allow users to share Snapchat content to other  platform. 
