1. IG Guides Now Makes It Easier to Find, Curate, and Share the Products, Places, and Posts You Love from Your Favorite Accounts on Instagram. The  Guides feature allows you to create mini guides giving tips and recommendations in 3 categories: Products, Places, and Posts. Many influencers are using this to give self-help tips and travel recommendations.

2. Instagram Adds Keyword Search – Are They Trying to Compete with Google? Before the only way to search for Instagram posts was through accounts, hashtags, and places. Now you can search keywords and IG will produce all posts whose captions include those keywords.

3. Introducing “Fleet” Twitter Stories Feature- Post Ephemeral Content That Will Last for 24 Hours. Fleets allows users to post a tweet that will only be visible for 24 hours.

4. Snapchat Introduces New Ways to Market Your App to Snappers. These updates enable developers to integrate snapchat into their apps. E.g. now one can sign into apps using snapchat credentials and the developer can use dynamic lenses to create AR promotions.

5. The “TikTok for Music” App Voisey is Now Part of SnapChat. Voisey is a songwritting creation app which has gained huge popularity and is very similar to TikTok. Snapchat tries to catch the TikTok crowd by aquiring this app.

6. All Page Admins Now Have Access to FB Rights Management Platform. The management controls that Facebook offers gave select Admins the control to report and take disciplinary actions towards images that are infringing on their copyrights. With this new update, every page admin on Facebook and Instagram can control this tool.

7. Facebook Rights Manager Now Allows You to Maximize Revenue Opportunities for Your Content. Facebook is providing more ways for creators to monetize their content that has been reposted across the site.
8. YouTube is Updating its Terms of Service and Why You Should Sign up for YPP. The new terms of service allows YouTube to insert Ads into videos that are not in the YouTube Partner Program. The catch is that you won’t gain any revenue from these inserted ads unless you become a partner.

9. Market to Audio-Only Users on YouTube. YouTube Music has grown from 8 million active users in 2017 to over 77 million active users by the end of 2019  and so Youtube is launching audio ads designed for non-video consumption.

10. Best Time to Post on Instagram During the Holidays. The following infographic breaks down the best posting times based on time-zone and city. Listen to our show and find out what we think about this content. You’ll be glad you did.

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