Full Transcription
[Introduction] – 00:00
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to Episode 71 of This Week In Marketing show, also known as the TWIMShow. I’m your host Sajid Islam, and today I’ll be going over the notable news and updates in the digital marketing space from the week of August 23, 2021.
[Update 1 – Ads in Instagram Shop Tab Roll Out Globally] – 00:15
First off we have a quick update from Instagram and may not be so quick as Instagram has rolled out ads in the shop tab right? This is something you know Instagram launched last year in July where they added as part of the broader ecommerce shift, they created a shop app, shop tab. And now they have introduced the option of having ads in that tab right again. The people who are, you know, eligible to show ads or people who have their products in Instagram. So if you don’t have a shop products or if you have a shop on Instagram, you won’t be able to promote ad. What they’re doing is, you know, they’re going to basically learn the users have it what they like and the users will be able to save things like that. OK. That’s all in general. But the shop, you know what the ads are gonna do in shop app again, if you want to learn more, you can go ahead and check out the show notes. Something to notice is that you or one thing to note is that you know this is actually in time, because Christmas is only 123 days away. OK, let’s go to the next one. And this is going to be a.
[Update 2 – Instagram Shared How Search Algorithms Work, And How You Can Optimize Your Presence] – 01:26
Very juicy one and which you are gonna really love is Instagram basically shared how their search algorithm works and how you can optimize your presence right? So first of all, what we want to talk about is how search works is basically works very straightforward if you’re typing in, say, Google ads. And again, I’m using that as an example. They’re gonna basically going to go and look for things. That are tagged as Google ads or with hashtags, vision and BIOS everything captions that and places that have Google ads. So that’s number one. The next thing that we’re going to do is they’re gonna look at active your activity in the app, which is in addition to basic text messaging matching. They’re gonna also rank my search results based on my previous in app activity, including the accounts I follow post I’ve viewed and how I have interacted with certain profiles. Fast, right? So again, they’re gonna basically say, OK, Sajid has looked for Google ads and he has gone through all these profiles. So he’s more likely to go and see the results from the. That counts for hashtags that I’ve visited previously or I’ve looked at previously so there. That plays our factor and the third they’re going to look at is popularity of each query, right? So there they’re going to like, you know, sorry, a popularity of each query. They’re going to basically see the popularity. Of how popular the query is as well as you know the matching that they’re coming back within. How popular was that match as well, right. So the one thing to note over here is that Instagram is saying that if you do or if you, if there is a content that goes against their community or recommendation guidelines, it’s gonna get rank lower in the search results. So for example, you may. Pink. You know, sharing means are going to be getting a lot of lag. Switch is true, but it’s gonna penalize you in discovery because Instagram is gonna, you know, go ahead and reduce your reach. That there is a bit of a quite a bit of recommendation guidelines. What type of content that is not gonna get in those. Indexed or rank higher in the search results, and that includes, you know, cosmetic procedures, health claims, miracle cure, supplements, investigative business models, payday loans, risk free investments, contents that may be sexually explicit or suggestive, such as pictures of people in see through clothing. Content that produce promos that use certain regulated products, such as tobacco, vaping products, adult products and services, or pharmaceutical drugs, drugs, unoriginal content that is repurposed from another source without adding material value which is AKA memes, right. And lastly, content that promotes a contest. Wanna give away? So I hope this helps you folks. This was very informative in terms of you know how to rank higher on Instagram. This is a boatload of information to do come back and check out our show knows we’re gonna have some of this stuff in our show note and it’s going to help you move further with that.
[Update 3 – Facebook Publishes New Christmas Marketing Guide to Assist with Campaign Planning] – 04:36
Let’s go back into Facebook and Facebook a sickly published a new Christmas marketing guide to assist with campaign. Fighting again, like I said in my couple of our two updates back where we are 123 days away, actually now it’s 121 days maybe from Christmas. So obviously the focus of all this platform are going to be you know ads. How do you how do they help market years or you know small businesses cell. More of the product to customers looking for a deal for Christmas. so this 18 page guide is geared towards what Facebook is calling his discovery commerce system. Now I like that right. Finally, you know, I’ve always told people that kind of Facebook is a discovery system is a great tool for Discovery system. It’s not great. It’s how it differs from Google ads, Google ads. It’s like search based intent based because we go to Google only when we need something. You know, answered for his Facebook. Sometimes we like, oh shit, we didn’t. We didn’t know we exist. So we didn’t know it needs. We need this right. You know, without going too much gain, Facebook talks about the four steps it has in terms of how to do better on their system. Just a general guideline to help people. Again, if you ask me, I will tell you all this like you know. Dear Facebook, you can give us as many clients as you like, but you until unless you help us in a figure out the add band policy and all this content moderation policy that you have, unless it’s crystal clear, all this doesn’t really make sense. That’s just my opinion, but I hope you all agree with me. OK, with that, let’s go to the next one.
[Update 4 – TikTok and Shopify introduce TikTok Shopping] – 06:15
Which is a update from TikTok and Shopify. They are basically partnering up again and they are extending the relationship and Shopify merchants cannot promote their products direct to their audience in the app, right. So what’s gonna happen is that there’s going to be new tab, I believe in the TikTok app. And it’s gonna be. You know, wave for Shopify merchants to, you know, promote their product and talk. Users can go and check out things. It’s a win meaning for Shopify merchants, if you ask me because you know they now have another way to directly promote their products within another social app, which is of totally different from what Instagram is doing like Instagram is trying to build their own ecosystem, whereas TikTok is partnering with Shopify is partnering with. WooCommerce. All these other platforms and says, you know, hey, bring us your user, let’s just do figure out some joint deals and joint ventures and things like that. So and it’s interesting time frame as well. Because remember I said this is Christmas is 120 so days away. So you know all these platforms are really kind of getting these eyeballs as many eyeballs as possible to sell the most they can. OK. With that, let’s move on to the next one again. Yeah, I think I I’m gonna sound like a broken record in the next few updates because, you know, it is that time of the year.
[Update 5 – How to Analyze Your Snapchat Ads Campaign Performance] – 07:23
So Snapchat has published a post, which is a blog post on how to analyze and measure your campaign performance. Just because they’re saying, you know, hey. Doing a campaign is great, but you may not know what to do, what not to do, and how to analyze the data. So here it is. We basically it all out for you. Go figure it out like you know, go and read it and figure it out. In my opinion, it’s good for people who wants to advertise on Snapchat and small business owner who wants to do it on your own. My concern here is the kind of folks. This day and age, there’s so many platforms like, you know, from LinkedIn to, you know, Snapchat to Pinterest, to TikTok, to Instagram, to Facebook, to Google, Reddit, and all these platforms. So you really need to know which platform your users live. Or I forgot. Clasp, Twitter and gloves. So we really need to know where you’re using these and just focus on that. Don’t be jumping around. Nevertheless, we’re going to put the link to the guide in our show notes, check it out if you’re interested in publishing or promoting ads in Snapchat.
[Update 6 – Twitter Publishes New Twitter Ads Checklist to Help Guide Your Approach] – 08:43
With that along the same lines, Twitter is publishing a guide on Dads Checklist to help you. Get better results on Twitter ads again. Ad campaigns are going to be the, you know, ping every week from now till December. So you have to hang out, hang out, hang on with us or hang out with us and cannot deal with it ’cause it’s gonna happen. And it is. We need to being a show that talks about marketing. We need to cover that and saying, you know, hey, this is what dictate and this is what Twitter is doing and things like that.
[Update 7 – LinkedIn Publishes New Guide on Using Organic and Paid Strategies to Maximize Branding Impact] – 09:16
Other than that same thing from LinkedIn. Somewhat LinkedIn also says, you know, they’re publishing a guide on how to base brand your. How to best build your brand on LinkedIn through organic and paste strategy? This is about a 45 page guide. I liked it in terms of how to build guides, how to build brands on LinkedIn etc. a different beast from what I’ve known for Facebook. So and we are going to take some of these lessons from here and apply to our own business, which is marketANDgrow, the TWIMshow as well, you know. So if we see. Measure, you know, progress. What we’re going to do is I’m going to share those learnings and lessons and. Lightbulb. More bands in through our social media channels. Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn, so please do follow us wherever you can follow because we will publish the same information in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and also TikTok as we now have an account on TikTok OK. With that well.
[Update 8 – Google’s “How Search Works” Website] – 10:21
Why will only Instagram publish how their search works, right? Google didn’t wanna be left alone, So what? Google went ahead and did. They redesigned how search works website and they kind of shared how their algorithm works. It’s a mini side. Again it doesn’t go to detail into like you know the whole nitty gritty. Capital S it’s a very high level, you know. Overview of how their search works ’cause you know one thing they said. It’s like every day 15% of searches are the ones that they haven’t seen before, so they use an automated systems to get the most relevant and reliable information that they can find to help us find what we are looking for. This systems consider many factors including the words in our query, the content of the page is the expertise of the sources and the language and the location. At high level. Keep that in mind and it’s going to help you kind of create more, better content for your website slash blogs, but you know it’s a very interesting site. You should definitely check it out if you are into the SEO game and you and you should be. If you’re in business. If you’re a market here and you’re listening to this podcast that. It’s you need to be in this UK issues along game, it’s an organic game and trust me. Nothing pays this like nothing pays dividend as well as a CEO does. If you can get it done, but also you know there in there is also one thing I want to mention before I move away from this topic is that you know Google still gives credibility or value to. Backlinks. So the more backlinks you have on your website the better it is. So that’s what is called link building. It’s very, very important. Lastly I want to say that you know Google made over 4500 search improvements in 2020 alone. Yes, that’s how many times in a year they have modified and tweaked the Google search algorithms. About 4500 times. So imagine what is working today will not work tomorrow or the day after next week. So this is a ever you know this is a game that’s gonna always happen, so make sure you are getting. You know you’re creating the right assets. You have focused on SEO, which you should be and you are going to go ahead and you know stay up on top of it. ’cause, this is where your all your investments are gonna pay back over the years. Over the next 6 to 12 months. OK.
[Update 9 – Google Is Updating The Way It Generates Web Page Titles In Search Results] – 12:47
Lastly, Google confirmed it is updating the wait. It generates Web page title in search results and no it doesn’t basically directly take whatever you have in your title tags 80% of the time they say they’re gonna do that, but the other 20% of the time they said they’re gonna generate dynamically based on what they think is the. Query and what And defined on the page. So All in all I will tell you is that Google is not saying, you know, ditch. We all, we don’t put any preference preferential or. Don’t put any effort into creating Google’s title tags and header tags and things like that. They said to do that. However, also make sure you know. You have your titles are, you know, descriptive, and it makes sense because what they’re saying is that if it doesn’t match, then we’re going to create one for you and we’re going to show it in the search results, which. I think you would want to create a better titles only for lack of a better off in Google is gonna do it and then you know it’s gonna. You’re gonna be at their mercy. And why it matters because it matters. Because if the titles are wrong, then people are not going to come to your website, right? Because people scan the titles in the cities. This answering my question. So hope this helps.
[Closing] – 14:02
Folks. That’s it for this week in marketing. Now you know everything. To be in the know if you like to read more, make sure you visit a show page where you will find the links to the articles. Once again this is your host Sajid Islam signing off until next week. Take care. Bye bye.
Thank you for tuning in this week. It was a pleasure to serve you all. Hit the subscribe button so that you remember to sign on next week. Same place, same time for another round of This Week In Marketing.
1. Ads in Instagram Shop Tab Roll Out Globally (0:15) – After testing them out over the last few weeks, Instagram is now rolling out its new promoted products option within the Shop tab to all merchants in the app. Brands with product listings in the app will now be able to promote them on the Shop tab, with a ‘Sponsored’ disclaimer marking the paid posts. Clicking on a sponsored product will take users through to a product details page, where they’ll be able to learn more about the item. The details page will also highlight additional products from that brand. Users will also be able to save sponsored product listings to a wishlist or share them with friends from the details page.
The addition is part of Instagram’s broader eCommerce shift, which involves slowly teaching users to expect that they’ll be able to shop for items from images within the app. And as Instagram learns more about each users’ shopping preferences, and the product that they like, the Shop tab will become more valuable, again increasing the potential of this new addition. At the least, it may well be worth an experiment for those that are looking to tap into Instagram’s billion-user audience.
The new Instagram Promoted Products option is rolling out in countries where the Instagram Shop tab is available.
2. Instagram Shared How Search Algorithms Work, And How You Can Optimize Your Presence (1:26) – Instagram has published the second installment in its new ‘How Instagram Works’ series, with an overview of how its search algorithms function, and how you can maximize your chances of showing up in relevant search results.
The first post in the series looked at how Instagram’s feed ranking works, providing more oversight into how the platform looks to match relevant content with user interests, and how creators can ensure their posts reach people in the app.
The basics of Instagram search are fairly straightforward – Instagram uses the keywords that you enter into the search field to highlight the most relevant content, with the specific text that you input being the primary matching device.
But that’s not the only factor – when providing relevant search matches for a query, Instagram factors in three primary elements:
- The text you enter – This, Instagram says, is “by far” the most important signal for Search. “We try to match what you type with relevant usernames, bios, captions, hashtags, and places”.
- Your activity in the app – In addition to basic text matching, Instagram will also rank your search results based on your previous in-app activity, including the accounts you follow, the posts you’ve viewed, and how you’ve interacted with certain profiles in the past. “We usually show accounts and hashtags you follow or visit higher than those you don’t”. This is to help you find things that you’re more likely to be interested in and to streamline your discovery process.
- The popularity of each query – Finally, Instagram also factors in the popularity of the matches for your query when ranking the results it displays. The elements that could influence this include the number of clicks, likes, shares and follows that a particular account, hashtag, or place sees
- It is worth noting that re-sharing memes might get you likes, but it might also penalize you in discovery, while Instagram also actively seeks to limit the reach, at least in a discovery sense, of contest/giveaway posts.
3. Facebook Publishes New Christmas Marketing Guide to Assist with Campaign Planning (4:36) – With Christmas now only 120 some days away, Facebook has published a new Christmas Marketing Guide to help guide your strategic planning, and map out a more effective approach based on key shopping behaviors and events.
The 18-page guide is geared around what Facebook’s calling its ‘Discovery Commerce System’, a process that utilizes Facebook’s ad matching tools to optimize your marketing approach, based on four steps.
For each step, Facebook provides practical recommendations on how you can put it into action, and how that will then contribute to your broader marketing goals.
For example, in the first step – ‘Personalization Engine’ – Facebook provides a range of tips on how you can personalize your outreach by using tools like the Facebook Pixel and the Conversions API.
The guide essentially provides quick tips for each element and links to read more about how you can enact them within your strategy.
4. TikTok and Shopify introduce TikTok Shopping (6:15) – TikTok is expanding its relationship with Shopify to provide more ways for Shopify merchants to promote their products directly to their audience in the app.
Today, TikTok has announced a new shop tab expansion for Shopify merchant profiles, which, as it sounds, will add a new product display showcase to your in-app presence.
So it’s not direct, in-stream shopping, as such, with users referred back to the merchant’s Shopify store for purchase. But it’s another big step in TikTok’s broader eCommerce push, facilitating direct product promotion within a dedicated storefront space, which is very similar to Instagram’s in-app Shops option.
The real winners are Shopify merchants, who now have another way to directly promote their products within another social app – but for TikTok, it’s another advance that will help it maximize its business potential, and provide more ways for users to more directly monetize their TikTok presence.
5. How to Analyze Your Snapchat Ads Campaign Performance (7:23) – Not only is measuring campaign performance an exciting moment when you’re working hard to advertise your business, but it’s critical to understanding what has worked well, what might not be working as well, so you can best adjust your marketing to optimize towards your goals.
So Snapchat wrote a blog post, covering everything you need to know about analyzing your advertising campaigns on Snapchat – from how to set advertising goals, how to analyze campaign performance against your marketing and business goals, to how to create custom reports in Snapchat’s Ads Manager to streamline and automate your performance reporting.
Check out the post here: https://forbusiness.snapchat.com/blog/how-to-analyze-your-snapchat-ads-campaign-performance
6. Twitter Publishes New Twitter Ads Checklist to Help Guide Your Approach (8:43) – Twitter has published a new one-page checklist of all the key considerations for effective tweet ad campaigns, including hashtag notes, media attachment tips, and targeting pointers.
The checklist is an extension of Twitter’s recently published Agency Playbook, a 41-page guide that covers all aspects of Twitter marketing. And while the notes are aimed at agency staffers specifically, the checklist does cover all the key info that you need to build effective tweet ad campaigns.
You can download Twitter’s full Agency Playbook here, or check out the list below.
7. LinkedIn Publishes New Guide on Using Organic and Paid Strategies to Maximize Branding Impact (9:16) – LinkedIn has published a helpful new guide which looks at the branding benefits of using paid and organic outreach in combination, and how you can best pair these elements for different purposes using LinkedIn’s tools.
The 45-page guide includes insights into all aspects of building your brand on LinkedIn, and a range of helpful pointers to guide your strategy. You can download the full guide here
8. Google’s “How Search Works” Website (10:21) – This week, the search giant has published an updated version of its ‘How Search Works’ website, which includes a range of insights and links to provide more information about its ever-evolving ranking algorithms, which could help you better understand what you should be doing to match-up with its systems.
The mini-site covers all aspects of Google’s search process and it does help to provide more insight into Google’s ranking processes, and what it looks for in web content.
Google includes basic overviews of each ranking element, including, for example, why it uses automated keyword matching.
“Every day, fifteen percent of searches are ones that we haven’t seen before, so we use automated systems to get you the most relevant and reliable information that we can find. To help you find what you’re looking for, these systems consider many factors, including the words in your query, the content of pages, the expertise of sources, and your language and location.”
The site also includes basic pointers on keyword usage, and how its algorithms rank keyword match relevance based on each query:
“For example, with web pages, if those keywords appear on the page, or if they appear in the headings or body of the text, the information might be more relevant.”
It also outlines the fundamentals of backlinks, and how Google factors in the value of links in ranking:
“One of several factors that we use to help determine this is understanding if other prominent websites link or refer to the content. This has often proven to be a good sign that the information is well trusted.”
But as anyone who’s ever tried to stay on top of SEO knows, that information can change quickly. Indeed, Google notes that it made over 4,500 searches ‘improvements’ in 2020 alone.
9. Google Is Updating The Way It Generates Web Page Titles In Search Results (12:47) – Google’s Danny Sullivan confirms the search engine is updating the way it generates web page titles in search results.
“Last week, we introduced a new system of generating titles for web pages. Before this, titles might change based on the query issued. This generally will no longer happen with our new system. This is because we think our new system is producing titles that work better for documents overall, to describe what they are about, regardless of the particular query.”
Google’s new system of generating web page titles has been documented extensively since it was discovered in live search results last week.
Google’s Danny Sullivan confirms the search engine is updating the way it generates web page titles in search results.
“Last week, we introduced a new system of generating titles for web pages. Before this, titles might change based on the query issued. This generally will no longer happen with our new system. This is because we think our new system is producing titles that work better for documents overall, to describe what they are about, regardless of the particular query.”
Google’s new system of generating web page titles has been documented extensively since it was discovered in live search results last week.
If you’re wondering whether it’s still worth your time to create unique titles for your pages, the answer is 100% yes.
Don’t just leave it up to Google. Sullivan says original HTML title tags will still be used over 80% of the time.