Full Transcription
[Introduction] – 0:00
Hey, everyone. Welcome to episode 76 of This Week In Marketing show. Also known as The TWIMhow, I’m your host Sajid Islam and today I’ll be going over the notable news and updates in the digital marketing space from the week of September 27, 2021.
[Update 1 – Businesses on Instagram Can Boost Posts to Message Them on WhatsApp] – 0:16
So today, first we’re gonna start off with some news from Instagram. So Instagram now allows you know, you to integrate your WhatsApp business account with your Instagram account. And with that, when you can boost your post on Instagram and when you do that, people can message you directly on Instagram or sorry WhatsApp. So this is something we covered in our last episode, episode 75. We’re saying, you know. Instagram and Facebook is allowing cross messaging capabilities and this is just a continuation of that. Well, Instagram came out this week and they announced this. There’s nothing new to it. you know, Instagram aka Facebook whichever way you look at it has said oh well you know with that we’ve seen you know when you have messaging option you know people message businesses far more and do all sorts of stuff. Well, if you ask me, or if you take my opinion, I’ll tell you. That’s pure BS because you know. People can still message a business through the messaging function, just like you know. Sometimes when you get a message on Instagram, it will goes into another folder and things like that. But again, you know, Instagram is probably trying to use this as a feature to kind of walk away from this whole issue that they’re running into. because of iOS 14.5 which is basically apples privacy mechanism apples ATT but nevertheless, it’s here we had to cover it we covered it and we can give our high give my two cents which you know it’s Facebook is trying to figure out what to do with all this you know. Things that are backfiring on them because now they cannot really accurately tell people how effective their ad campaign has been, OK. With that
[Update 2 – Facebook Officially Launches Reels (on Facebook) to US Users] – 2:01
Next up is Facebook, Facebook has officially launched Reels to US users. Now keep in mind. What this is is this Facebook had or Instagram had Reels, but reels was not available on Facebook except for the Beta testing in India. Now Facebook is allowing us to create Reels now. One thing I will tell you what I really like is that we can create reels in groups, right? So for example. If I’m a group owner or a member of a group, I can create reels and I can share it and then people in that group can see that Reel and then they would be able to, you know, follow me or my channel directly from the Reels. Now that’s great. I like that. And also that the fact that you know on Facebook reels you can share. Instagram you cannot really share. The only work we have found out how I can share is to remix the real right. So nowadays when I see a Reel that I really like, but I want, I cannot share and I don’t wanna go to the trouble of, you know, downloading and uploading. So all I do is I remix the real and I just push it up OK with that next app. i will tell you the other thing. Uh, you know that question that comes into my mind is like, you know, a lot of the group, specially public groups, you know, or big groups where there are hundreds of thousands of people. If everybody starts to create reels, it becomes very hard to manage and moderate. I hope Facebook has taken that into consideration because. If not, the group is gonna be like, you know, full of pictures and scammers and all those things. And then they probably will have to turn up the whole reels option. How someone is going to moderate this. I have no idea, but will remain to be seen. But that is definitely a point in my mind, which is how are you going to moderate? We’ve I’m part of a group that has 200,000 people. What’s going to happen there? OK. With that,
[Update 3 – Facebook’s Pre-Campaign Estimates Moving Away from Specific Audience Projections] – 3:49
Let’s move on to the other update from Facebook, which is Facebook Pre Campaign estimates is moving away from specific audience projections. Instead, they’re gonna give it in range as well. I think you didn’t know by now why this is happening. If you’ve been following our podcast, or if even if you’re tuning in for the first time, remember when Apple introduced iOS 14.5, which is a few months back. They said. You know, people have an option to either opt into tracking or opt-out of tracking. Right? Since then, Facebook’s return on aspects of conversion data has been. Really, really crap. And people have been complaining. Advertisers have been complaining. So now previously they could know exactly how many people are clicking on your ad and how many people are landing on your side because Facebook Pixel track that but now with Apple’s 14.5. That’s no longer the case where it’s a big guesstimate now if they’re showing, Facebook is showing over, your ads can reach 5000 people and making up this number and it you cannot reset number, there’s a lawsuit brewing somewhere. So to avoid that Facebook is coming out and making this change, if you ask me, OK, that’s out. That’s all. Do you have to know about Facebook Pre campaign estimates? And there’s gonna be a big it breaks down into different categories and things like that. We’re going to put it in our show knows. I don’t think you really need me to go through all those specific nitty-gritty details, but I just wanted to be aware that you know, Facebook is changing the pre-campaign estimates. OK, next up
[Update 4 – Second Annual Pinterest Creators Festival Set for Oct. 20] – 5:17
We have a Pinterest. Pinterest’s Second Annual Creators Festival date has been announced its on October 20th. You should definitely check it out if you are thinking of inspiration or thinking of promoting on Pinterest or you’re thinking of learning something stuff, check it out in that sense. By the way, Tiktok world was last week. It happened. The videos are still up. I was able to register for it actually. This week, after the event was transferred and I was able to access the recording. So you may wanna check out TikTok as well because if you are getting into TikTok which we got into TikTok and our results have been really crap. So I want to check it out and see what happens there. OK. With that,
[Update 5 – YouTube Ads Retires TrueView for Action Campaign – Introduces Video Action Campaigns] – 5:57
The next update is from YouTube ads YouTube ads is retiring Trueview for action campaign and instead introducing video action campaigns so video action campaigns is basically in a nutshell, what this allows you to do is well, what Google is forcing is like, you know, now you can your videos are gonna show up in different places, which is YouTube’s Home Feed, Watch Page, watch next feed Google Video Partners all within one campaign. Now that sounds great, but I will tell you I don’t like the fact that you know it’s going to Google Video Partners because I have no control of who they are, what it is. I rather restrict my add spend on YouTube, print properties like you know. I’m fine. If you’re gonna show my video, add to say you know, home Feed, watch base. Next feed things like this, but do not take my video into video partners. I haven’t tried out TrueView for action yet. Sorry, I haven’t tried out a video action campaign because it just came out. I have tried out and see you know how this is, but according to YouTube, but they’re saying is that video action campaigns are better than Trueview and they saw 20% more conversions per dollar. So will remain to be seen again. I always take these updates from all these platforms with this grain of salt because you know they have their best interest obviously cell this new thing or if not, people are gonna be like you know. Going out and with the pitchfork and trying to attack them, OK? With that, let’s move on to the next update from Google.
[Update 6 – Google Display Ads Introduces Engaged-View Conversions] – 7:26
Which is a Google display ads. Now introducing Engaged-View Conversions so you know what usually happens with display ad is like if you just have images you need to or if you just have a video you really do not know what’s happening beyond that click. Right? So find someone clicked on your video. What happened? So now Google is coming out and they’re saying, you know, if someone if you do a video campaign in display ad, OK. And if someone clicks on your ad and doesn’t interact but later completes that conversion on your site, Google is going to count that as a conversion. So that’s what Google is saying. OK. So imagine. I have a video ad as s display campaign not on YouTube properly but as a display campaign and you the listener watch that video for ten say 10 to 12 seconds ’cause Google is saying 10 seconds or more. You watched that video and then you didn’t do anything you close to browser. Then tomorrow you come in and you make that come to my website and you make the conversion. Google is going to attribute that conversion to my to that video watch. So All in all I like that word Google is doing because now it’s kind of again circling back and saying, you know, hey here is the if here is the result for. All that video things you can, it goes back to attribution like you know who should? Attribution is basically who should get the credit for this conversion, if at all. Right? In this case, the attribution, the credit goes back to the video views from the display ad because that’s where it was the first time you came into our funnel, our sales page, or our orbit. OK and this is actually a very good way to go to the next update from this week, which is
[Update 7 – Data-Driven Attribution is Now The Default Attribution Model for All-New Google Ads Conversion Actions] – 9:08
in Google Data-Driven Attribution is now the default attribution model for all Google ads conversion actions. Now again, what is an attribution? Attribution is basically the. It’s a layman’s term. It’s like who should get the credit for that conversion. So if, say for example I, again layman’s term, say if I have a restaurant and I have two sales Rep who are going out there and bringing in customers when the customer comes, I need to know who should get the credit, right? The salesperson A or salesperson B right, which is called attribution. In layman’s term. It’s called attribution in the online marketing world, who should get the credit A or be so up until now it was always by default was a last click, so it could be like salesperson A brought in a customer or a prospect he came in. Check out my restaurant, went back out again. Salesperson B got it and it got this whole lot the same person and somehow convinced and brought them in. Usually it would be the be would would get their credit and you would ideally say well B was the one who should get the credit ’cause. It’s the last person to bring in the customer or the last click. Well, it works, but at the same time A should also get some credit, right? So there are different conversion attribution modeling in Google ads and now they’re saying, you know, up until now, data-driven was a machine language base attribution where you know it will track all this journey and it would assign points and values accordingly, but however it wasn’t available to all the advertisers ’cause. There was a certain data requirement limit. Now Google is removing that and saying everyone can use it. Obviously, it’s also because of Apple’s iOS 14.5, you know, restrictions. OK, hope that helps. If your advertiser the only thing you need to know is that data-driven is the default attribution technique. And I feel like I need to do a deep dive on this on our regular YouTube channel on marketandgrow channel to explain to you more in details. But actually this attribution model means because it’s very challenging to explain this over a podcast. So if you’re really interested in hearing, learning more about it, definitely give us a follow on our socials and I will share that video when it’s up and ready. With that,
[Update 8 – Microsoft Advertising Launches Open Beta for Credit Card Ads] – 11:36
Let’s go into the next update, which is from Microsoft advertising there Launches Open Beta for Credit Card Ads. Again if I don’t think you and me are gonna be credit card companies but if we do have a customer who. Is a credit card company or a bank or issuer? Again, we don’t have to work for, you know, chess and in the Bank of America or, you know, fidelity, JP Morgan, we could be working on such small mom and pop or small retail bank. Let mom and pop bank. I do not know what I’m thinking. It’s late I’m recording this but. I think you get the idea. So that’s available in Microsoft advertising, so definitely check it out if you are interested. So or if you think if you ever get into a room or someone asking, hey, I have a credit card, I will need to promote this country. You could think of Microsoft advertising. That’s a good way. OK.
[Update 9 – Microsoft Introduces Video Ads on the Microsoft Audience Network] – 12:28
The other thing from Microsoft Advertising is that Microsoft introduces video ads into the Microsoft Audience Network. This is a great thing if you ask me, because now you can actually. Have video ads show up in home pages of Microsoft and show your brands image. Build awarenes, things like that and you know, given that you’re not a whole lot of people are using Microsoft Audience Network or Microsoft ads, you might have a better cost per conversion, right? Just think about that. It might be helpful. Ok
[Update 10 – Clubhouse Adds Universal Search, Clips & Room to Help Boost Sharing] – 13:00
Lastly, this week we have very interesting update from clubhouse the three main things I’m going to talk about our universal search, where you know now you can search for people, clubs, live rooms and future events better easily across the game. So basically clubhouse is becoming another SEO game similar to Google. Keep in mind, so that’s very important to remember. Then other update from clubhouses clips depending on it’s not available to everyone, but it’s kinda like they’re slowly rolling it out, but if you’re in a public room when room starts, you either room owner the room host can actually enable clips, and if that so you can. Record up to 30 seconds of that conversation in that room and share it. That’s powerful, clubhouse on steroids. And you know what would be amazing is if you if when you share it, if they could give us like the audiogram. Oh my God. It’s gonna be mind-blowing. I hope. And but you know, Clubhouse being the new kid in on the block. And you know, they’re innovating. I I’m pretty sure somehow they will do that. Hopefully their product ownership came. Our product team doesn’t think that’s like a, you know, yeah, whatever is boring ’cause, you know, the audiogram is gonna make it so nice when you share it on Instagram or Facebook and things like that. OK. That’s all, but the details on what, what, how it will work, and all these other show notes. Check it out. Lastly, you want to know is. Replays yes Replays. I just had to check my right Replays ’cause sometimes what happens is you know you go in a room and let’s say it’s I want to reach other audiences. And you know, the rooms are like short-lived ’cause the room ends, it’s gone with Replays. You can replay the room. You can have people come in and listen to it. On my God, I get goosebumps when I think of it like the amazing ’cause. Sometimes I have nice room, the rooms I wanna listen to. But it’s late at night or I just missed it with a reply. I can go back and listen to it. Oh my God. Clubhouse. That’s amazing. I don’t know about you. I’m excited about Clubhouse. This is why this is like the top news of this week. OK?
[Closing] – 15;07
Alrighty folks, that’s it for this week. Hope you found this helpful. I’ve I think you know this is valuable and you know of someone who could use this definitely like comment or share with that person. Well, you should like and comment and definitely share with someone else. Bring some more people. Into our podcast and let them figure out you know, how they can actually stay on top of the digital marketing news without having to read hours and hours like what we do to bring this podcast out to you with that signing off until next week. Take care. Bye, bye.
Thank you for tuning in this week, it was a pleasure to serve you all. Hit the subscribe button so that you remember to sign on next week. Same place, same time for another round of This Week In Marketing.
1. Businesses on Instagram Can Boost Posts to Message Them on WhatsApp (0:16) – Instagram has announced that all businesses can now connect their WhatsApp Business account to Instagram to facilitate new connection opportunities in the app. By connecting your WhatsApp business account, you’ll be able to add a new WhatsApp connection tab to your Instagram business profile, providing another way for people to get in touch, and spark direct conversations with your business. This could be a big deal – according to Facebook, 75% of adults want to communicate with businesses via messaging. This seems high, but even if that’s partially correct, providing a means for each individual to contact you via message, and in the messaging app they prefer, could be a positive step.
Furthermore, after you’ve connected your WhatsApp business account, you’ll also be able to boost posts that drive customers to message you in the app.
2. Facebook Officially Launches Reels (on Facebook) to US Users (2:01) – On Sep 29, 21 Facebook launched Reels on Facebook for all users in the US, bringing its short-form video to its bringing the option to its 250+ Million US audience. Up until this launch, Reels was only available on Instagram.
Along with the capacity to share your Reels to your News Feed, you’ll also be able to post your Reels direct to groups that you’re a member of, while Facebook’s also launching a new ‘Single Theme’ group setting “that makes it easy to prompt members to share their Reels”.
3. Facebook’s Pre-Campaign Estimates Moving Away from Specific Audience Projections (3:49) – Facebook advertisers take note – Facebook has announced that it’s changing the way it displays estimated audience reach for ads, by switching from more specific reach estimates to generalized potential reach categories.
Right now, when you go to set up your Facebook ad, Facebook will display ‘Potential Reach’ with a fairly specific number range of people that your campaign is likely to be seen by, based on the targeting criteria that you select.
The new Estimated Audience display is broader, with the potential reach figure in this example covering a potential discrepancy of 10 million users. Not all of the estimates will be that broad, but the basic premise is the same – Facebook will now show you a much more generalized reach estimate, as opposed to specific numbers, based on your targeting criteria.
You can read more about Facebook’s Estimated Audience Size calculations here.
4. Second Annual Pinterest Creators Festival Set for Oct. 20 (5:17) – Pinterest will host its annual Creators Festival on Oct 20, 21, where the platform will showcase its latest features, highlight key usage trends, provide engagement tips for Pin marketers, and more.
The Creators Festival provides an opportunity for Pinterest to present its evolving vision for the platform, via new tools and coming additions, while also facilitating connection among Pin creators.
Pinterest’s Creators Festival will be hosted in local time for audiences in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, and France on October 20th. You can find more info here.
5. YouTube Ads Retires TrueView for Action Campaign – Introduces Video Action Campaigns (5:57) – YouTube Ads is evolving TrueView for action and scaling its best features to more places on and off YouTube with Video action campaigns. With Video action campaigns, you can tell your brand’s story with longer headlines and have access to top-performing places like YouTube’s home feed, watch page, watch next feed, and Google video partners—all within one campaign. Per YouTube, they’ve seen Video action campaigns drive 20% more conversions per dollar compared to TrueView for action.
Starting early 2022, all existing TrueView for action campaigns will automatically upgrade to Video action campaigns. As a reminder, September 30, 2021, is the last day to create a new TrueView for action campaign and any existing TrueView for action ads will continue to run until early next year.
6. Google Display Ads Introduces Engaged-View Conversions (7:26) – Measuring the full impact of your Display ads means looking beyond clicks, especially when you incorporate the rich storytelling power of video ads into your customers’ increasingly complex online journey. That’s why Google has developed engaged-view conversions (EVCs), a more robust non-click conversion metric. These are counted when a user watches 10 seconds of a video in your ad and doesn’t interact, but later completes a conversion on your site.
Now, you can more consistently measure the impact of your ads across different Google Ads channels. Engaged-view conversions can also be tracked on TrueView skippable in-stream ads, Local campaigns, and App campaigns.
7. Data-Driven Attribution is Now The Default Attribution Model for All New Google Ads Conversion Actions (9:08) – Per Google, in the face of a changing privacy landscape, the current last-click attribution increasingly falls short of advertisers’ needs.
The Data-driven attribution in Google Ads uses advanced machine learning to more accurately understand how each marketing touchpoint contributed to a conversion, all while respecting user privacy.
While Google Ads offered data-driven attribution for some time, not all advertisers were able to use it due to minimum data requirements or unsupported conversion types.
Now to help all advertisers take advantage of better attribution and improve their performance, they’re removing the data requirements and adding support for additional types of conversions. With these improvements, they’re also making data-driven attribution the default attribution model for all new conversion actions in Google Ads.
8. Microsoft Advertising Launches Open Beta for Credit Card Ads (11:36) – Microsoft Advertising has announced a new ad unit called Credit Card ads. Credit card ads are available to advertisers targeting the United States and Canada. Credit card ads are feed-based, dynamically generated ads. The ads are created purely from the feeds – and are not triggered by keywords or site content. Feeds for credit card ads include things like the card issuer, cash-back percentages, rewards, annual fees, and sign-up bonuses.
Advertisers are increasingly looking to stand out from the competition and captivate their target audience in new, innovative ways. With the introduction of video ads on the Microsoft Audience Network, you can reach potential customers where they are actively consuming content on MSN and Microsoft News. Video ads can help you boost awareness, capture attention, and drive leads for your brand while creating deep emotional connections with your customers.
9. Microsoft Introduces Video Ads on the Microsoft Audience Network (12:28) – Advertisers are increasingly looking to stand out from the competition and captivate their target audience in new, innovative ways. With the introduction of video ads on the Microsoft Audience Network, you can reach potential customers where they are actively consuming content on MSN and Microsoft News. Video ads can help you boost awareness, capture attention, and drive leads for your brand while creating deep emotional connections with your customers.
Not only will you be able to captivate your audience in a compelling format, but Microsoft is the only platform with access to Microsoft Bing search intent data, as well as LinkedIn profile data on video assets — this means your video ads on the Microsoft Audience Network work harder to drive deeper connections and deliver performance across the funnel.
10. Clubhouse Adds Universal Search, Clips & Room to Help Boost Sharing (13:00) – Universal Search – will allow you to search for people, clubs, live rooms, and future events — so you can find your friends more quickly, discover amazing clubs and events related to any breaking news or nerdy interest, and find rooms about specific things happening in the world right now.
Clips – will allow anyone to share 30-second clips of public rooms, so more people on the Internet can discover and join your club. Here’s how it will work:
- When you start a room, you can choose whether you want clips enabled. They’ll be on by default for open/public rooms, and you can toggle them off anytime. They are not available for private, social, or clubrooms.
- If you’ve enabled Clips, people will see a new icon (✄), which they can tap anytime to grab a Clip of the past 30 seconds. This lets them share a preview of your room with others, or capture an incredible moment that just happened.
- People can share Clips of your show to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, iMessage, or WhatsApp — and even save them to their camera rolls for quick editing first.
Replays – a new way for people to experience your live rooms on Clubhouse. Just later. 🙂