Just yesterday I received a notification that, after running an ad for almost 3 whole months, Google disapproved it. Before you jump to any conclusion, I just want to clarify, no, we are not doing anything shady. We are not doing anything wrong as it was simply an ad for our podcast marketing show. The official disapproval reads: Copyrighted Content.
The positive side of this is that this is a Google ad and not a Facebook ad.
I can easily appeal the denial and ask for a manual review where a human being would review the decision. Don’t get me started on the pain-staking process of trying to get off of Facebook’s naughty list! The real point of this article is to share with you the danger in all of these tech companies oversaturating their businesses with AI features. To explain this, let’s talk about more of the specifics of our rejected responsive ad.
What is a responsive ad?
The way that responsive ads work is you place different headlines and different call to actions and Google will shuffle them to show different combination to different people. Over time, it’s going to do an AB testing for you and tell you what the correct combination is. This is a remarkable feature that our team enjoys. Our responsive ad headline was as seen in the photos below.
So that’s what we have: four headlines and four descriptions. I think now you can start to understand how flabbergasted I was when I saw that this simple ad was disapproved. What’s going on? It’s not just us that this happens to. Why do so many innocent ads get flagged? Well, this is the world we live in, where all these companies are using artificial intelligence to go across the board and use keywords to flag accounts. I get it. Google wants to standardize its process, and, at the end of the day, AI is cheaper than having an employee on payroll.
Having said that, if this ever happens to you, don’t be discouraged. There’s nothing wrong.
My company is not selling any MLM or banned items like drugs. Our ads are strictly for a podcast. You can see it clear as day in the screenshots. If this happens to you, send it in for a manual review and all will be fine. If the idea of a manual review sounds daunting, stay tuned. Shortly, I will be posting a second blog which covers the review process and steps to take afterwards.
If you’re more of a visual learner, Watch The Video Below!