by Petya Stoyanova | Mar 24, 2021 | Blog
When it comes to content, marketing professionals are guilty of writing long, complex copy and focusing on keyword-heavy content. While that is great for search engine optimization, it is not what users are looking for, and sometimes, high-volume content creation does...
by Petya Stoyanova | Mar 23, 2021 | Blog
Indexing your page by Google is a great way to strengthen your SEO practices and get organic traffic to your website. Google Search Console shows which pages on your website have not been indexed and what specific issues have prevented that, including server errors...
by Petya Stoyanova | Mar 18, 2021 | Blog
Social Media Marketing has always been a rollercoaster due to trend changes or algorithm changes. Nothing is what it used to be 5 years ago, 2 years ago, or even 6 months ago. Luckily, we have premium access to training and workshops delivered by...
by Petya Stoyanova | Mar 15, 2021 | Blog, Most Popular
As you might have heard on Ep#46 of the #TWIMshow, Google announced a new “Evasive Ad Content” Policy that will have an effect from May 4th, 2021. Below is an overview of this update; for more details and Sajid’s expert analysis, make sure to listen...
by Petya Stoyanova | Mar 11, 2021 | Blog
Google My Business (GMB) has been available to businesses for 7 years now, and as with any Google product, it improves regularly. The most recent update is on the new performance report, and it shows how people have found your business. It will display if people found...